“What is the why behind our numbers? Our North Star is a vibrant mid-peninsula community where every resident thrives-no matter where they live.”

Miriam Yupanqui, Executive Director

Every fiscal year, we like to take a look back at where we’ve been and what we’ve accomplished. Our Impacto Comunitario report shares our impact “by the numbers” as well as some stories from our work.

Providing an average of 5,800 grocery kits and rescuing over 15,000 pounds of edible food per month from landfill.

Informing 8,541 community members per month about safety net resources and immigration support.

Connecting 1,500+ community members to core agencies or case management for help signing up for safety net supports

Registering 73 people to vote, helping 1,809 community members complete city planning surveys and focus groups, & connecting 203 residents to civic engagement activities.