This Noticias (available in English and Spanish) focuses on COVID vaccinations for children ages 5 and above. COVID-19 is very dangerous for people of all ages, including children. Consider vaccinating your children because:

  • Over 13 million children have had COVID-19 since the pandemic’s onset. More than 42,000 children have been hospitalized.
  • 1,240 children have died of COVID-19.
  • Children who get COVID-19 can experience long-term complications, like adults. Over 8,000 children with COVID-19 also experienced multi-system inflammatory syndrome (MISC). MISC is a rare but serious condition.

Our newsletter covers the facts about the risks and benefits of vaccination and includes many important links.

Please note that since publication, the FDA approved and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends COVID-19 vaccination for all infants, children, and adolescents 6 months of age and older who do not have contraindications to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine authorized or approved for use for their age. Critical updates from AAP are available here.

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