In collaboration with Peninsula Clean Energy, we help our community save money and access the benefits of clean power.

How It Works

As a member of our community, you are automatically saving on your energy bills and helping the environment.

Peninsula Clean Energy powers households and businesses in San Mateo County with greener electricity at a lower cost. As our community electricity provider, Peninsula Clean Energy buys electricity from solar, wind, and other clean sources to help protect our region from climate change.

Clean Energy Programs

In addition to providing residents with more control over our energy choices, Peninsula Clean Energy makes significant reinvestments back into our community. These programs deliver additional savings and benefits to the community.

Lowering Your Bill

Compared to PG&E’s rates, electricity from Peninsula Clean Energy is also more affordable. Learn about Peninsula Clean Energy’s lower rates and calculate your savings here.

Customers enrolled in Peninsula Clean Energy still receive their full CARE/FERA and Medical Baseline discounts. There’s no need to reapply, and there is no change in the discount rates. See if you are eligible for discount programs here.

For additional tips for saving money on your energy bill, check out our blog.

Contact our partner El Concilio to sign up for discounts and home energy efficiency upgrades that can save you money: 650-373-1080

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