by Heleine Grewe, Karen Crespo Triveño, and Francisca Castro

Sea-level rise is the worldwide average increase in ocean water levels as our Earth continues to warm up. As our climate continues to change, the Bay Area will experience permanent flooding, or flooding where the water doesn’t go back down. According to the Bay Conservation and Development Commision (BCDC), the Bay Area should be prepared to see 1 foot of sea level rise by 2030 and 3 feet by 2050. In a shoreline community like East Palo Alto, with only 3 feet under sea level, we suddenly see that all of these things that we care about become flooded, or have severely limited access. This will impact schools, churches, community services, public utilities, homes, recreational access, and more. But when could we see this 3 foot level of flooding? This is a complicated question because flooding can occur from a variety of different ways. Read the full article in English or Spanish.


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